In June, eight students from Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) along with students from the College of Public Health traveled to Ecuador for ten days for with faculty members. They   participated in the Shoulder to Shoulder Global (STSG) which is a UK Global Health Initiative organization that integrates academic and community partners to improve the health and well-being of an underserved community in Santo Domingo.  CSD has participated in this university initiative for 13 years.  While in Santo Domingo, students and faculty along with community members, painted the health clinic (Centro Medico). In addition, they engaged in hearing and vision screenings and social activities with older adults at a day center and a girls home.  They also collaborated with college students from the University of de las Americas (UDLA) in Quito who served as interpreters, to share information about drug use, general hygiene and sexual health, with students in community schools.  

Jennifer Lindberg, a 2014 alumna of UK’s CSD program, and Anne Olson, a 2010 alumna of UK’s RHB doctoral program and current CSD program director and faculty member led the students on this trip. Ms. Lindberg, who is a certified speech language pathologist and fluent in Spanish, led special home visits where students observed her working with adults and children with communication deficits.  Check out photos from the trip here (link to photos). The STSG trip is an ongoing and annual activity and we are seeking future partners to facilitate this experience for our students. If you are interested in participating with our CSD students on this effort, please contact Anne Olson at