2024 Sullivan Award winners lead with compassion, service to others

By Hilary Brown, Hayden Gooding, and Lindsey Piercy


Established by the New York Southern Society in 1925 and named 为 its first president, 阿尔杰农·悉尼·沙利文, the award recognizes those "who exhibit Sullivan's ideals of heart, mind and conduct as evince a spirit of love 为 and helpfulness to other men and women.“社团关闭后, 该奖项通过沙利文基金会得以延续,并在南方的几所大学颁发.

火狐体育下注, 沙利文奖每年颁发给两名即将毕业的大四学生和一名与该校有联系的公民. 今年的沙利文奖学生获奖者是Emmanuel Dhemby Moussabou和Kotomi Yokokura. Alexandra “Alex” Simpson, who passed away in 2022, is the citizen award recipient.

Kotomi Yokokura

Kotomi Yokokura, 北肯塔基州, will graduate 这可能 with a bachelor’s degree from the College of Social Work (CoSW).

虽然Yokokura, 也是刘易斯荣誉学院的学生, has academically excelled throughout her time at UK, 她真正的热情是倡导.

大一的时候, 横仓创立了“拿一条卫生棉条”的倡议——举办一场捐赠活动,以确保全校有充足的卫生用品供应. 经过大量的研究, 她意识到经期贫困是多么普遍,它不仅对一个人的身心健康有害, 但是他们在学业上的成功.

Yokokura also sought collaborative partnerships with other institutions, including the University of Louisville, to address this issue on higher education campuses, in low-income middle and high schools, and at homeless shelters across the state. 另外, she met with State Sen. 哈珀的天使, 她发起了一项为学校提供月经用品的法案,并创建了研究文件,为这项事业做出贡献.

Yokokura’s work in the community also includes two other important societal issues.

Yokokura协助研究了与Andrew Sullivan提供的社区服务有关的无家可归者迁移问题, Ph.D., (a graduate of the UK Martin School of Public Policy and Administration). 她还与娜塔莉·波普(Natalie Pope)一起完成了一项关于无家可归男性对社会支持的认知和利用的研究, Ph.D. (CoSW).

Yokokura has a published peer-reviewed journal article on homelessness in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s "Cityscape." 

另外, 她参与了马丁-加顿农业学院火狐体育下注营养学和人类营养系的一项调查研究项目, 《火狐体育下注》探讨了COVID-19大流行如何影响大学生的心理社会健康, 为mal and in为mal support utilization, 就业, 食品不安全, 以及社会行为, which was published by the Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs. She is also part of the Chellgren Student Fellowship program at UK.

Despite her many community service endeavors, 当被问及, 横仓说,她最自豪的是她对性侵犯的意识和预防工作. 她的努力包括研究这些经历的普遍性,并证明她自己的经历,以支持HB 288.

“不管你是谁,学什么专业,你的声音和努力都是有影响力的. 火狐体育下注的人在我的学术和宣传工作中都发挥了重要作用——他们不遗余力地帮助一个他们可能不认识的学生,”她说。. “我有幸共事的老师们都不遗余力地支持我在研究领域的追求, 非营利工作和倡导. Without these individuals, I would not be where I am today.”

Emmanuel Dhemby Moussabou

Emmanuel Dhemby Moussabou will graduate from the 临床领导与管理 的程序 健康科学学院 这可能.

Dhemby Moussabou was born in Tchibanga, Gabon, a small town on the west coast of Africa. From a young age, his goal in life has been to help others. 即使是很小的一部分, Dhemby Moussabou在可能的情况下努力提供救济,并鼓励任何可能感到沮丧的人.

火狐体育下注, Dhemby Moussabou is recognized 为 his experiences in community involvement, 校园订婚, academic success and professionalism. 他表现出直觉的领导能力,这是他对信仰和服务他人的热情所驱动的.

“Much of this stems from an ardent desire to better the lives of those I encounter, which primarily includes my community and the entire Commonwealth of 肯塔基州,德姆比·穆萨布说.

除了他在学术上的成功, Dhemby Moussabou担任总统学生大使和健康科学学院学生大使. Upon graduation, he will serve as a UK 校友 Ambassador. 他也积极参与基督教女青年会的黑人成就者计划,并为中心的几个好男人倡议提供支持和领导.

Dhemby Moussabou is proactive and always finds ways to help his peers, 病人, 家庭和社区. He is constantly demonstrating excellence of character and humanitarian service. He has overseen soccer camps 为 children, 帮助年轻学生阅读,并通过敬拜和主日学服务教会成员.

As part of his undergraduate studies in the 健康科学学院, Dhemby Moussabou正在CHI St .完成他的高级专业实习经验. Joseph Health的领导团队. 他花时间学习和从事倡导和融资项目,同时表现出高水平的领导能力. He has received outstanding assessments of his skills, engagement and commitment to quality health care.

“知道周围的人注意到我为帮助他人所做的工作,我感到非常高兴,德姆比·穆萨布说. “I feel extremely honored to have even been considered 为 this award.”


Alexandra "Alex" Simpson of Lexington is remembered as a bright, 富有同情心的年轻女性利用她短暂生命中的每一刻为患有癌症的儿童争取权益.

在艺术中长大, 辛普森理解创造性表达的重要性和艺术的治愈能力, 尤其是儿童. 她是个有才华的歌手, actor and dancer; she found her home on the stage, 出演过22部舞台剧. Throughout her recurring battle with a rare 为m of Ewing’s sarcoma, Simpson raised funds 为 her fellow 病人, supporting art and music therapy at 肯塔基州 Children’s Hosptial (KCH). According to her mother, Simpson found the arts healing throughout her cancer journey. She knew if she could get 病人 and families out of their rooms 为 painting, 唱歌, 编织和看别人表演, 这会振奋他们的精神.

她成为医院里其他孩子体验艺术丰富生活的倡导者, leading to the establishment of the Simpson Family Theater. The theater is a space 为 children at KCH to participate in art projects, 戏剧作品, 讲故事, 假日派对, 音乐和更多. This opportunity 为 creative expression offers a much-needed reprieve 为 病人. Wanting to make sure all 病人 had the chance to find healing through art, 辛普森还成立了自己的音乐治疗基金,以确保KCH患者在住院期间可以选择接受音乐治疗.

Simpson graduated from Dartmouth cum laude in 2022 during her third battle with cancer. She majored in French and psychology and had plans to attend law school. She found her calling in supporting children with cancer, 并打算利用她的法律学位成为儿科患者和医疗保健提供者的倡导者.

Simpson’s cancer was rare, and she believed researching her cancer would save lives. 她把自己的肿瘤捐给了达纳·法伯癌症研究所进行研究,并建立了亚历山德拉·辛普森儿科肿瘤研究基金,以帮助教育医生和研究人员,并给像她这样的孩子一个对抗罕见癌症的机会. She encouraged genetic mapping of her tumors to help other sarcoma 病人. She also worked as a research assistant in the lab of her oncologist, John D’Orazio, M.D.

Simpson passed away at age 22, having faced cancer three times with grace and courage. 她的慷慨精神延续了下来, touching the lives of not just KCH 病人, but children at Central Christian Church, 列克星敦剧团, 列克星敦学校, 莱克星顿儿童剧院, 达特茅斯大学的法语项目和肯塔基州器官捐赠联盟通过捐赠基金建立了以纪念她.

从A中汲取灵感.A. Milne's Eeyore who said "weeds are flowers too,辛普森的母亲说, 媚兰, 在一份反思的声明中,她的女儿用她短暂的一生将癌症的杂草变成了一束美丽而令人惊叹的“花”,为许多人和组织服务.

作为该州的旗舰, 赠地学院, the 火狐体育下注 exists to advance the Commonwealth. 我们通过培养下一代领导者来做到这一点——把学生放在我们所做的一切的中心——并通过教育改变肯塔基人的生活, 研究及创意工作, 服务和保健. We pride ourselves on being a catalyst 为 breakthroughs and a 为ce 为 healing, 一个展现创造力的地方. It's all made possible by our people — visionaries, disruptors and pioneers — who make up 200 academic programs, a $476.500万的研发企业和世界一流的医疗中心,都在一个校园里.   

In 2022, 火狐体育下注被福布斯评为“最适合应届毕业生的雇主”之一,并被INSIGHT into Diversity评为“多元化冠军”, 证明了我们致力于推动肯塔基州的发展,并为每个人创造一个归属感的社区. While our mission looks different in many ways than it did in 1865, the vision of service to our Commonwealth and the world remains the same. 我们是大学  肯塔基州.  

